Bocca della Verita or Mouth of Truth Truth is, I don't know how good I am at this blogging thing. Here I am on Saturday doing the Five Minute Friday. I have it in my heart to help people with my writing but some days, let's face another truth - I'm too lazy to pick up the computer and write. Truth is, I could really work harder at my day job. I think working harder at my day job would ease the 3:30am thoughts that won't let me fall back to sleep. And I think working harder would give me such a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day that I would be energized into picking up the computer and writing on my blog. Truth is, I am amazed that I can function as an adult. I don't know what I'm doing. I can't believe I own a house, how did that happen? I know that my birth certificate says I am 51 years old but I feel like an ignorant teenager who still needs her parents to raise her. Every day that I go to bed without experiencing a major ...
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