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Showing posts from November, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Give

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has hundreds of writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Give. Fifty-six years ago today, my parents were married. It was a very cold November day, snow was still on the ground from earlier in the week. They stood in front of family and friends and took vows that have stood the test of time. I watch them and truly believe that they are in as much love today as they were in 1958 when they decided to bind their lives together. That life has brought them two daughters, four major surgeries, a layoff, and the death of four parents. Through all of that, they still hold hands as they walk from the car to the restaurant. And through all of that, they have never stopped giving. They give of themselves to each other and to their church. They give of themselves to their two girls. In the times before their deaths, both have...

Five Minute Friday: Notice

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has hundreds of writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Notice. In this season of Thanksgiving, we are reminded to notice what we have to be thankful for. I am thankful that my parents are celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary on the 28th and that I still have both of them. So many people my age have lost one or both of their parents. I am thankful that my sister is my best friend. I want to notice that even though it makes me crazy some days, I have a job that allows me to pay my bills and to have extra money to do things like go to my friend's wedding in Maine. I want to notice that I have a car that runs well, in spite of the fact that I neglect its upkeep. When I notice people walking in the increasing cold air, I am especially grateful for this. But if I'm completely honest, when I think of the word notice, ...

Five Minute Friday: Turn

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has hundreds of writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Turn Turn over a new leaf. Turn the page. Turn the corner. All ways of saying a fresh start or improvement. Like last week's word "leave", turn is a tough one too. Turn takes courage sometimes. There is comfort in old habits. Who knows what's around that corner you are about to turn. But as the Bible verses from Ecclesiastes that The Byrds' song "Turn, Turn, Turn" are based on tell us, there is a right time for every purpose under heaven. God tells us that there is a season for everything. And when that season is past, we must be prepared to turn the page and see what the next verses say. If we stay on the same road all of the time, we are going to keep seeing the same things. But if we make a turn, there are new adventures wa...