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Showing posts from May, 2016

Five Minute Friday: Expect

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Expect.   I'm going to admit something. When I pray, I expect God to do what I ask. I'd like to think that is a sign of faith but in some ways, it is a sign of arrogance, like I know what is best for me. I picture him up in heaven like the above photo, signalling to the angels and saying like a benevolent Captain Picard, "Make it so." I never stop to think about what's right or worse, what's God's will, I just ask away and expect to be granted my wish. I guess that means I see God as more of a fairy godmother than my heavenly father. It doesn't matter if it is little things like, "Please make the bathtub faucet quit leaking" or "Please make my aunt well." I expect my prayer to be answered. And for things like "Please send...

Five Minute Friday: Grow

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Grow. Last summer, my pastor preached a sermon series on the windows in the church sanctuary that represent the 12 disciples. He spoke about how the symbols in those windows conveyed what each disciple was known for and represented in the Christian faith. He then challenged the congregation to create their own symbol, as if one day a stained glass window would be created to represent our faith journey. He placed tins full of pony beads in each pew and we used the beads to create our symbol. The beads were then baked until they resembled stained glass. The photo above is my finished product and here is what I wrote about my window:   My symbol is a sprout, my discipleship is growing, reaching through the sky to the light of God. A year later, I hope I am still growing. I'm not...