Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at /. This week's word is Should. I am constantly looking for signs, my own personal burning bush to show me what I should be doing and this week's prompt is my signal that I need to get back to writing my blog. That I should be writing. I've thought a lot about this word since seeing this video of Oprah and Tony Robbins. In it he says we should all over ourselves and that if we want to see change in our lives we should change should to must. That is when we actually do the things, when we change that one word. I should have done laundry today. I should have pulled weeds. I should have posted this on Friday instead of Saturday. I should pray more. I should trust God. What would happen if I changed those shoulds into action. Maybe not as strong as must, because laundry and weeds aren't l...
Finding the Life Waiting for You