Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Future. The future - that place in time seems a little murky like the water in the photo above and a little scary because I can't see it, like you can't see where the water is flowing. But what I have to keep reminding myself is - there is beauty along the way. If you look at this photo in a different way, you see the plants along the water and if you could pan out, you would see that it is in this setting. That's the thing about the future, we have to look at the big picture. For us humans, that's not always easy to do. But for God, that's how He sees it. We look at the murky water we are treading in or the lack of an end point on the horizon and we get stuck there, thinking that is our destiny. What we should be doing is trusting that there is a reason for the muck and the...
Finding the Life Waiting for You