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Five Minute Friday: She

She was my paternal grandma. It is her furniture that fills my house. She moved from her farmhouse and away from her family to the city for my grandfather's health. She made the best chow mein noodle casserole and delicious square sugar cookies. She was protective of her baby sister, warning the nurses at the nursing home not to put her to bed with a wet head so she wouldn't catch her death of cold. I don't go outside with a wet head because of her. I wish I had learned how to propagate roses from her. She raised a wonderful man.

She was my maternal grandma. My PaPa was 20 years older than her and when they married, he had children the same age as her. She loved him until the day she died, crying over his grave every Memorial Day, wishing she was with him. She would take the paper off of twist-ties and use the metal to tie cheese to mouse traps and had absolutely no problem emptying those traps of her successful captures. She loved basketball and called three-pointers "treys" before most people knew what that meant. I miss her homemade bread and chocolate roll. She was independent and stubborn. She raised a wonderful woman.

She is my mother. She is the person I want to be when I grow up. She will never tell you that she is a Christian but she is the best one I know. She cries when she tells you about the people that she meets at the ministry center where she volunteers. She can make a plate of spaghetti with sauce from a jar taste like the best thing you have ever eaten. I can 't wait for Christmas to eat her Martha Washington candy. She is the very definition of love. I hope that one day someone says that she raised a wonderful daughter because she deserves to have a wonderful legacy to honor her.

I would not be the person I am today without the shes in my life.


  1. What a great legacy! Such an honour to the shes in your life.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  2. hello! i'm visiting from LisaJo's today.
    :) what an honor to be loved by and to love amazing women!
    be blessed!

  3. Dear Andrea
    Oh, what a legacy your mom a and grandparents left you. You reminds me of the verse in Proverbs where the husband and children call their mother and wife BLESSED.
    Blessings XX


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