I'm a little late with my Five Minute Friday this week because my Friday was filled with unexpected good times and I was once again I'm reminded that it is the simple pleasures in life that make me happy. Trying a new restaurant, laughing with co-workers, spending time with old friends, receiving an invitation to visit the new home of recent retirees. I thoroughly enjoyed my day with people I really like. I too often look at my life and wish I lived it like those that I read about in Facebook posts or Twitter feeds. I wish I was out and about doing all the things that the "cool kids" are doing. But when I take a chance and leave my coach - my station from which I wait for that life with the cool kids - I find this wonderful world that's been waiting for me. And once again, I am reminded, that my life, even though it wasn't the one I planned, is pretty awesome. The people I spent my day with probably don't have 100 Twitter followers among a...
Finding the Life Waiting for You