I went to Good Friday service at my church this evening and couldn't help but think of today's word. As the passages from John were read about the crucifixion, I thought about how Jesus' body suffered on that cross. How his spirit may have been broken when He asked why God had forsaken him. How His mother's heart must have been broken when she saw her son hanging there. Earlier in the day I watched the latest episode of the History Channel's "The Bible". Jesus broke the bread, gave it to his disciples and said, "Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you." I'll take part in this sacrament on Sunday and hear these words again and think of how all of this breaking was done to save us. Save us from ourselves and our sin. Save us from our broken spirits and broken hearts. So often I feel so broken, my heart hurting so that I don't know how it still beats. So broken that I don't feel qualified to write this blog and t...
Finding the Life Waiting for You