Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has hundreds of writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Encouragement. What if everything we spoke was words of encouragement to each other? When talking about people, what if we only sang their praises instead of pointing out their faults and misfortunes. I've thought about this a lot lately because recently I've been the victim of the opposite. Something said in confidence to a friend turned into information used as currency to gain favor or "cool points" with others. This was hurtful but it also served as a mirror, a reflection on how I speak about others. It was a reminder that I should watch my tongue and only speak encouraging words about people. Or better yet, quit talking about people. I don't know why we relish the thought of tearing each other down. Why do we choose to gossip about people instead of foc...
Finding the Life Waiting for You