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Showing posts from November, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Table

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Table. This was the table at my parents' house yesterday. A spread of the foods that say holiday to us. The four of us gathered around the table and after one of my mother's beautiful prayers, we enjoyed a meal together. Me and my three favorite people on the planet. This table probably wouldn't measure up on Pinterest. There was no fancy centerpiece made out of things you'd  never imagined could be used for a centerpiece.There was nothing made with exotic ingredients. The cranberry sauce came straight from the can. But there was the most important thing around that table - love. Pure, unconditional love. The love that I haven't earned, the love I don't deserve. It was at that table that I felt truly, absolutely myself. We sat around this table until we co...

Five Minute Friday: Dwell

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Dwell. I have thought about this word a lot - where should I dwell. After my divorce, I had a big decision to make - did I buy X's half of the house and continue to dwell where I had for the past 15 years or did I sell and move to a new dwelling. After crunching numbers and weighing my options, I decide to stay in the house we had bought together. Because, when it came right down to it, I loved my house. I felt safe there. I try not to dwell on the sadness that happened in this place but instead try to dwell on making it my own. I have painted rooms in colors X would have never agreed upon, I have bought artwork that he would never have hung. I want to dwell in a place that reflects who I am. When the yard is full of weeds and the basement full of water, I long to dwell in...

Five Minute Friday: Weary

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Weary. I was all set to write about how weary I am after a long week at work. I was going to convey although I'm weary, at least I have a job because due to layoffs, Monday was the last day for 14 of my coworkers. But as I scrolled through my Facebook feed and saw story after story about the horror happening in Paris , suddenly my weariness did not matter. It turned to rage as I read about what was taking place in my second favorite city in the world. How dare these people strike such terror in this beautiful city, how dare this happen in any city! When will this violence stop? So far I have not heard who is responsible for these horrible acts but there is no reason to resort to terrorizing people for any cause. My heart and prayers go out to the people of Paris and to those who ...

A Saturday Tradition

Since the weather got warm enough to be outside, I've been grilling a steak every Saturday night. It's been a point of pride for me: the ability to light the charcoal, to place the hickory wood on the grill at the right point, to research how long I should leave the meat on the fire. I don't think I will win any contests but every week, I cannot wait until Saturday to stand over my Weber and make my dinner. I have often thought, why bother for one person, but every week, I am so glad I did. Tonight, the dark got on me before I expected, I may have jumped the gun by placing the steak on the grill before the coals were ready but I don't care (unless I've given myself food poisoning). I prepared my dinner in a manner that always seemed like a man's domain - cooking outside. This may be one of the last Saturdays that I prepare my dinner outdoors. With the shorter days and the cooler temperatures, I will probably go back to my Saturday Shrimp . Or, I may push S...

Five Minute Friday: Dance

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Family.  This photo was taken at my friends' wedding last summer. We had stopped dancing long enough to pose for the camera. I framed this photo because I wanted it to remind me that, here, at this wedding, I was completely myself and people were enjoying spending time with me. And as I twirled around on that barn floor turned dance floor with five other women, probably to a wonderful 80s dance hit, I was so content. I was happy without even thinking about it. It was amazing! But dancing isn't just for a dance floor. I have found myself lately dancing through life, embracing what it is offering. There are some major changes coming my way at work, but at the same time, it is invigorating me to get things done in my home life too. I no longer want to sit on my couch, I want to g...