Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Table. This was the table at my parents' house yesterday. A spread of the foods that say holiday to us. The four of us gathered around the table and after one of my mother's beautiful prayers, we enjoyed a meal together. Me and my three favorite people on the planet. This table probably wouldn't measure up on Pinterest. There was no fancy centerpiece made out of things you'd never imagined could be used for a centerpiece.There was nothing made with exotic ingredients. The cranberry sauce came straight from the can. But there was the most important thing around that table - love. Pure, unconditional love. The love that I haven't earned, the love I don't deserve. It was at that table that I felt truly, absolutely myself. We sat around this table until we co...
Finding the Life Waiting for You