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Showing posts from January, 2016

Five Minute Friday: Present

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Present. This photo of me was taken on a gondola in Venice. My sister and I didn't even know that the tour group had arranged for gondola rides and we almost didn't go. We thought about the money, the fact that as you can see by all of the straps hanging off of me, we had almost everything valuable with us and what would happens were filling our brains but we decided to go for it. And I am so glad that we did, that we lived in the present and had this once in a lifetime moment. Coincidently, just weeks from getting back from that trip, the Five Minute Friday word was also present. I'd like to say that I've resolved everything I wrote about in that post , but unfortunately, I still struggle with the present. I can go through my day just fine, living in the moment ...

Five Minute Friday: Time

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Time. Sometimes time feels like this, like we are in it. Standing inside it, watching life pass by. It is so easy to get stuck in a time - in our pain, in our hurt. We hear the ache tick away in our head like a giant clock. Time, instead, is a gift. More time with family, more time to accomplish goals, more time to see the world. When you are hurting, it seems like time takes forever. One day turns into another day, turns into another day. When we hate a job, the five days of time that make up a work week seem to go on forever. But those five days are also a gift. Because these days, a job is not a guarantee. I want to see time as gift, not as a chore. I want to be on the other side of it, wishing there was more of it. Making the most of every hour, minute, and second instead of...

Five Minute Friday: First

Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is First. This is the first photo I took of Notre Dame, shortly after arriving by train in Paris. Standing on that bridge with its legendary locks, I felt hope arise in me for the first time in a very long time. There in a city that I had dreamed off traveling to, I felt amazed at how lucky I was to be there - to be seeing this wonderful place for the first time. Firsts can be scary things. I remember the first time I wrote a Five Minute Friday post and wondered if I would receive any responses. To this day, I wonder about that for every post I write. That is why I often take big chunks of time off from writing here. I let the dark thoughts win and wonder if it is worth it. Even five minutes seems like a risk. But after taking off this chunk of time, from Thanksgiving until today, I k...