Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Present. This photo of me was taken on a gondola in Venice. My sister and I didn't even know that the tour group had arranged for gondola rides and we almost didn't go. We thought about the money, the fact that as you can see by all of the straps hanging off of me, we had almost everything valuable with us and what would happens were filling our brains but we decided to go for it. And I am so glad that we did, that we lived in the present and had this once in a lifetime moment. Coincidently, just weeks from getting back from that trip, the Five Minute Friday word was also present. I'd like to say that I've resolved everything I wrote about in that post , but unfortunately, I still struggle with the present. I can go through my day just fine, living in the moment ...
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