I often joke that in order to hear God, I need something obvious like a burning bush. I pray and pray but I'm no good at listening. But today, God stopped me in my tracks with a song, one that came up randomly as I listened to iTunes at work. I've been feeling very low since a friend made some seemingly innocent remarks about something she'd seen on Facebook regarding X. In a few sentences, she set back my recovery to the point that I've struggled to get out of bed the past two days. With her words, she took me back to feeling worthless, unloved, hopeless, and alone. Out of 3300 songs loaded on my computer, this one played exactly when I needed to hear it. I stopped where I was in my office, my breath catching in my throat. As tears streamed down my face, I heard these words: To the one whose dreams have fallen all apart And all you're left with is a tired and broken heart I can tell by your eyes you think you're on your own But you're not al...
Finding the Life Waiting for You