This was my view when I went outside to get my paper this morning. This frog is over halfway up my house, looking like he's holding on for dear life, wondering just how the heck he got himself into this mess. I never knew frogs climbed like this and maybe they don't. Maybe he was so desperate to get away from one of the stray cats that roam my neighborhood that he found himself clinging to the bricks before he knew what he was doing. Maybe he went after something to eat and was now trying to decide whether to fling himself into the nandina bush below and hope that the soggy, rain-soaked dirt would soften his fall. I couldn't help but see this as a metaphor for life. How often do we leap before we look, leaving us to wonder just how we got here and how we are going to get out of the mess we're in. We find ourselves clinging to something, hoping that when we do fall, we will land on our feet and walk away unscathed. I hope this frog is ok. He wasn...
Finding the Life Waiting for You