Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Celebrate. Yesterday I posted the photo above for Throwback Thursday, one taken during my college days. I was so shocked when it got over 50 likes. The compliments I received on it made me blush. But there were some responses that made me bristle. I had several people say "I remember her." This happens fairly often, mostly from people I knew in my childhood and youth. I guess in a way, they don't know the me today. When I did the math, I realized that photo was taken 35 years ago. After experiencing a tightness in my chest after that revelation, I decided to celebrate instead of mourn. Yes, that was 35 years ago. It was my freshman year in college, a time when I had my whole life ahead of me. The roads I thought were before me the day that photo was taken are ...
Finding the Life Waiting for You