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Five Minute Friday: Friend

I've recently had a friend return to my life. We were co-workers who become great friends, we spent every evening together after work. I took care of her kids while she went back to school to finish her bachelor's degree. I'm not exactly sure what happened to our friendship. Changes in both our lives caused us to drift apart and when I changed jobs, the ties that bound us together disappeared completely.

A couple of months ago, I received an invitation to her retirement party. I was so nervous to go, to see all the people that I used to work with but had lost touch with. But when I walked into the party, there was a familiarity to the setting that I was instantly at ease. And when my friend told me that I was the one person she hoped would come to the party, it meant the world to me.

Unfortunately, we haven't seen each other but once since then, at another retirement party. But we're now Facebook friends and I've thought of her often. Then last Sunday, I walked into church and there she was, with the son I used to babysit. I had forgotten that she grew up in my new church, that she had been married in that church. She told me she had seen on Facebook that I had joined there and I found myself hoping that was part of the reason she was there.

I felt that familiarity once again and felt an excitement that I was once again reconnecting with my friend - someone who knew my whole history without having to start from the beginning. She was a part of my history. There is such a comfort in that. I hope our friendship builds on those shared years and grows into the future.


  1. Blessings to you as you enter a new chapter in your relationship with her! Thanks for stopping by Inking the Heart! Love, Rachael


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