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Five Minute Friday: Comfort

Comfort - we all want it. We seek it in familiar people and places. We seek in a favorite pair of comfy pants. We seek it in food and drink.

Every Sunday I go to my parents' house. I share a meal with my family and stay for a couple of hours. There is a comfort in those hours spent in the house I grew up in with the people who have loved me since the day I was born. Those hours of comfort recharge me for the week ahead.

I crave that kind of comfort in every aspect of my life. I'd like to find that comfort in my own skin - to have confidence that no matter what I say or how I look, I will be accepted by those around me.

I'd also like the comfort of financial stability. I'm not too nervous about the balance in my checkbook but I do worry if I'll ever be able to retire or will I live out my golden years chained to a desk, trying to make ends meet instead of traveling to the ends of the earth like I imagine my retirement years.

I'd like to find a comfort with my relationship with God - to know that He is pleased with me and that I am an example of His love to others. I so often worry that I fall short of the promises of God waiting for me because I'm not living the life He's called me to live.

Comfort - we all want it. It just isn't always the easiest thing to find. But as the week ends and I look forward to another Sunday with my family, I know that no matter what lies ahead, I can find comfort in those four walls.


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