I have thought about finding a place to worship for so long. Like years. When I got divorced 5 years ago, my search turned into a need for a place to heal. I visited my friends' large, charismatic church. They loved it there and encouraged me to join them. It was held in a converted factory, not your average setting for worship, but I gave it a shot. It never felt right. The word there was uplifting and the work they did in the community was tremendous but I never felt like I fit in. I felt like I wasn't the right kind of person to be a member there, I couldn't check the right boxes on their visitor's form. I wasn't married with kids. One Sunday I decided to be brave and make a solo visit to a church near my home. Even though I was raised Baptist and the last church I attended regularly was Lutheran, I wanted to see what this Methodist church was all about. I loved that it was part of my neighborhood and that like the church I grew up in, it was...
Finding the Life Waiting for You