Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has hundreds of writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Leave. Leave seems to always have a negative connotation. People leave and it hurts. You go on leave because of something you need a break from. Changes leave you wondering what God's plan is for your life. But what if we look at leave in a positive light. Leave those past hurts behind and go on to a new life. Leave something for good that you need a break from and start fresh. Leave the worrying to God and trust his plan. Sometimes leaving is hard. Staying is safety, leaving is uncertainty. Leaving old hurts behind can feel like we are letting someone off the hook for the pain they have caused when in reality, we are releasing ourselves from the hold they have on us. It isn't always easy to see the reason for the leaving, but those steps forward can open door...
Finding the Life Waiting for You