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31 Days: Truth

Almost four years ago, I wrote about truth for Five Minute Friday, using this photo of the Bocca della Verita in Rome. I'm happy to say that I'm not the same person who wrote that doubt-filled post.

The truth is I must be decent at my job because I have survived two staff reductions in the past two years.

The truth is I've had a second job for the past 10 years so I'm not lazy.

I still have all of my fingers and limbs so the truth is, I'm not that bad at adulting. I pay my bills on time, I pay my taxes, I have a roof over my head. The truth is I must be doing something right.

The truth is that even if I haven't done as many blog posts as I would have liked but I have been helping people in other ways. I've become active in a church and have organized a fall carnival for neighborhood children for three years.

But the truth is, I'm still scared. Scared that I'm not living up to my potential and doing what God wants me to be doing. Scared that I could be a better person.

But God's truth is that all I have to be is what He made me. And as long as I'm moving forward, I think I will find the truth of my purpose here on Earth. And the most basic truth of all is I can do anything with His help.


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