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31 Days: Change

Last year my theme for 31 Days was ways I could change based on the prompts given by Christina Hubbard. I thought I would review my progress of the past year.

Day 1: Walk. Walking is motion and I think I have done a good job of moving forward. I feel better about my life than I have in a long time.
Day 2: Paint. I haven't painted anything in the past year but I have worked on some decluttering projects.
Day 3: Wardrobe. I'm not back into my skinny wardrobe yet but I've been trying to appreciate my body as it is and I'm learning to accessorize with new jewelry while I work on the weight loss.
Day 4: Brew: I have been switching to tea after my morning coffee has kicked in and I have succeeded in starting and ending my day with prayer.
Day 5: Silence. I'm still not good with silence but I'm not as anxious about hearing God as I used to be.
Day 6: You. I hope that I am better at listening to what other people need. I know that I feel better when I do.
Day 7: Test. I've read one of the books in the picture. That's progress right?
Day 8: Muddle. I have cut down the volunteer trees but unfortunately just like my muddled brain and its critical thoughts, some of the bad growth has come back.
Day 9: Post-It, It's still on my mirror but I believe more and more every day in what it says.
Day 10: Unknown. I'll admit, this one still is a struggle. I want to photo of my future to be in focus.
Day 11: Thanks.  I still am thanking God for the small things and the big things.
Day 12: Sky. I saw the Aurora Borealis in the sky about Canada this year!
Day 13. Aware. I am getting better about being in the moment, of being aware of my surroundings and the impact I have on people.
Day 14: Mail. I have been better at calling people and making plans for lunch.
Day 15: Move. I am still collecting boxes and planning on packing up my house like I'm moving. I know, I'm crazy but since I was a kid, this has been an easy and effective way to create a different space for myself.
Day 16: Little. Just tonight I enjoyed a simple dinner with my sister that would seem like a little thing to others but it meant the world to me.
Day 17: Study. I'm still studying cookbooks but I have had some success at using leftovers to make several different meals that I will share.
Day 18: Neighbor. No applause from my neighbors yet. Awnings still torn, shutters are still different colors. But the grass is cut so I've got that going for me.
Day 19: Notice. I think I am better at noticing the beauty around me and what God is doing for me.
Day 20: Weekend. I have been working smarter at work and I've gotten several issues done ahead of schedule and been able to enjoy my weekends more. I've also been getting the work done for my second job during the week so I have more free time on my Saturday and Sunday.
Day 21: Park. I had some feelings of bravery during my trip to Yellowknife that I did during my trip to the park in Maine. I want to take more walks in parks.
Day 22: Off. Saturdays are still my favorite days, especially those I have completely off from obligations.
Day 23: Blowout. Ironically, I have found myself in the same situation this year with the annual carnival. I'd like to think I handle it better this year than last.
Day 24: Global. This year has offered many opportunities to think globally with hurricanes, the treatment of immigrants, and the threat of nuclear attacks. It's a scary time but we all must be aware of what's happening around us.
Day 25: Sign. Luckily God is still sending me signs, like the one I received while writing my stewardship testimony.
Day 26: Confront. Confrontation isn't the easiest thing for me but I'm calmer and more confident when I do have to confront someone.
Day 27: Bouquet. I buy myself fresh flowers every 6 weeks when I get my haircut down the street from Trader Joe's.
Day 28: Eat. I am still grilling steaks and eating Saturday Shrimp.
Day 29: Date. I have continued to go to the ballet and to Broadway shows. I love my date nights with my mom and sister.
Day 30: Cut. Unfortunately due to lack of funds, there will be no bounce house at this year's fall carnival but even with the difficulties facing me in planning the carnival, I have my mind on the fun the kids will hopefully have.
Day 31: Only. Even though it may look like I didn't make as much progress in the past year as I could have, I know that I am better than I was on October 1, 2016. And most importantly, I'm getting better at looking to God for direction in the changes I need to make and that is the only progress I need.


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