No, I am not an extreme couponer but I do have favorite things that I
tend to buy or consume in large quantities. I'll start with the
philanthropic one - TOMS shoes. People are always asking me how many
pairs I own but I'm too afraid to count. Suffice it to say, there are
lots of kids out there who have shoes thanks to me. Yankee Candle is
another obsession. Just as I tell myself that I could light my whole
block with the number of candles I own and I need to stop buying them,
YC sends me a catalog with one of those buy so many jars, get so many
free coupons and I'm digging out my credit card. I've been more
successful at avoiding Bath & Body Works. Until my shower no longer
looks like one of their stores, I cannot purchase any more shower gel or
lotion. And last but not quite as bad because it can be viewed as
educational - I have subscriptions to 15 magazines. I'm sure my
mailman hates me and I know that I could get many of my favorites online
but there's something about flipping the pages of a magazine and
smelling the perfume samples that can't be replaced with technology. One
of these days, I'll start that budget that I've been planning for
years, but for now, I'll support the U.S. economy the best way I know
how and continue to be a bulk consumer.
Lisa-Jo Baker ( hosts a weekly event on her blog called "Five Minute Friday". The rules are 1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.. So here's my first try at this. Today's topic was Roots. Roots – I think about my grandparents who lived on a farm until my grandfather’s diabetes worsened and they moved to a town with a hospital nearby. My father still says he wished he could have kept that farm. I think of my grandmother who was a widow for 20 years. Every year she would stand over my PaPa’s grave, wishing she was with him. I think of my parents, a product of those grandparents, how hard my father worked to put 2 girls through...
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