For the past few years, I've been aware of a movement of sorts to choose one word to symbolize what you'd like to focus on in the coming year. The One Word website says it should be "One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. One word that you can focus on every day, all year long." I have chosen Up as my word for 2013. Most importantly, the word means I plan on looking Up to God for guidance, love, and approval. I won't rely on what others think, I won't look around and compare myself to others, I will look Up to strive to be the wonderfully made person God created me to be. I'm also thinking of Up as symbolizing forward motion - to take action in my life, to leave bad habits behind, to move up out of the pit that I often find myself in emotionally. I want to get moving in 2013. I haven't figured everything out yet but I have figured out that any kind of motion is a good thing because expecting things to ch...
Finding the Life Waiting for You