Five Minute Friday is a writing event that has hundreds of writers spending five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing them at . This week's word is Give. Fifty-six years ago today, my parents were married. It was a very cold November day, snow was still on the ground from earlier in the week. They stood in front of family and friends and took vows that have stood the test of time. I watch them and truly believe that they are in as much love today as they were in 1958 when they decided to bind their lives together. That life has brought them two daughters, four major surgeries, a layoff, and the death of four parents. Through all of that, they still hold hands as they walk from the car to the restaurant. And through all of that, they have never stopped giving. They give of themselves to each other and to their church. They give of themselves to their two girls. In the times before their deaths, both have...
Finding the Life Waiting for You